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You'll love this model Villi much

Posted by Denoyer Geppert on

What the heck is a Villi you ask - it's a behind the scenes worker that squeezes and pulses mashing your digested food up and pushes it through the small intestine.  BTW - your small intestine is on average 20 feet long - NOT SO SMALL

Our small intestines are covered in Villi and folds.  Villi are like fingers massaging a tube. Our Villi have villi and they also have microvilli as a matter of fact. These small microscopic in length villi protrude between folds. The microvilli are tiny-like 120 billion per square inch tiny.

Check out our 0142-00  Intestinal Villi and order it at

Magnified hundreds of times, three of the more than 5 million villi that line the small intestine are replicated in this vinyl model depicting their essential role in digestion and nutrient absorption.


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