0132-00 Nonbreakable Life-Size Heart with Bypass
0132-00 Nonbreakable Life-Size Heart with Bypass
Two hearts in one, our life size heart has been fitted with detachable / re-attachable bypass vessels for demonstrating single, double, and triple bypass grafts as well as a normal heart without bypasses. This resilient vinyl heart divides into anterior and posterior sections to access its pumping chambers and valves. Vessels are color-coded red or blue to indicate whether they carry oxygenated or deoxygenated blood. Significant cardiac features, 33 in all, are hand numbered on the model for identification in the accompanying key.
Nesting on a form-fitting display base, the heart lifts off for hands-on observation and study. Overall dimensions: 4x4x6 inches (11x11x15cm).
Right atrium
Left atrium
Right ventricle
Left ventricle
Conus arteriosus
Apex of heart
Coronary sulcus
Right coronary artery
Right coronary vein
Great cardiac vein
Anterior interventricular branch of left
coronary artery (left anterior descending
coronary artery)
Anterior interventricular sulcus
Coronary sinus
Middle cardiac vein
Posterior interventricular sulcus
Posterior vein of left ventricle
17. Superior vena cava
18. Pulmonary trunk
19. Left pulmonary artery 20. Right pulmonary artery 21. Left pulmonary veins 22. Right pulmonary veins 23. Inferior vena cava
24. Ascending aorta
25. Aortic arch
26. Pulmonary valve (semilunar valve of
pulmonary trunk)
27. Aortic valve (semilunar valve of aorta) 28. Valve of inferior vena cava
29. Tricuspid valve
30. Papillary muscles
31. Interventricular septum
32. Bicuspid (mitral) valve
33. Circumflex branch of left coronary artery
Key to Life-size Heart Model
The tubing on this model represents segments of the saphenous vein of the leg, surgically anastomosed to provide bypass vessels between the Ascending Aorta (#24), and the following coronary arteries.
Right coronary artery (#8)
Left anterior descending coronary artery (#11) Circumflex branch of the left coronary artery (#3)
The tubes are removable to allow the demonstration of single or double bypass procedures, or to allow use of the model as a “normal” heart.

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