Posted by Denoyer Geppert on
Unlike St. Nick and the Easter bunny, the tooth fairy has no formal recorded image. In 1908 the tooth fairy paid out an average of 5 cents for a tooth, 1950's .25 cents per tooth and in 2013 $3.70 per tooth. The history of the tooth fairy goes all the way back to vikings who paid children for their teeth. In the Norse culture, children's teeth and other articles belonging to children were said to bring good luck in battle, and Scandinavian warriors hung children's teeth on a string around their necks. In medieval Europe, it was thought that if a...
Posted by Denoyer Geppert on
Recently we received a letter regarding alternative medicine and urine therapy and my article suggesting that this type of therapy is BOGUS. One reader, Tom H. disagrees as he routinely uses many alternative therapies with amazing results and he plans to live to 120. Although my blog may appear as satire it is actually produced as a means of generating income and I whole heartedly believe that consuming your expelled bodily fluids is unhealthy. However, there are several other trends which we at Denoyer disagree with also - Below are the top 5 5. Drinking your urine - see blog Don't Drink Your Urine...
Let me pick your nose
Posted by Denoyer Geppert on
My nose knows the smell of pavement. A couple years ago in April I tripped in my back yard and connected face to pavement.
Long ears, Long life
Posted by Denoyer Geppert on
Did you know your earlobes never stop growing? Well, you know now! Do your ears hang low, do they wobble to and fro? Can you tie them in a knot, can you tie them in a bow? That is a song from my childhood. Where did it come from? In ancient China it was believed that long earlobes signified a long life and thick earlobes signified wealth. No wonder we see long ears on Buddha and ancient Chinese emperors. The ear is magical. I know your thinking – Mary, you think everything about the human body is amazing but I can...
My Olfactory is ready to enjoying the hues - of garlic, basil and BBQ's
Posted by Denoyer Geppert on
- Tags: nose, olfactory, rhinoplasty